In the capital - Santiago
Hola! Nu befinner jag mig i Santiago - huvudstaden i Chile! Jag hade inga höga förväntningar på den här staden då jag hört att det inte finns mycket att se, men jag tycker verkligen om den! Natti och jag har redan besökt flera museum, ätit fantastisk sushi, varit på en hemmafest, bott på två hostel och gått flera mil varje dag! Tyvärr blir det inga bilder nya bilder än jag då blev bestulen på min kamera för några dagar sedan - det hände en kväll på en buss när jag hade den i min ficka! Så himla surt, först går min första kamera sönder i Brasilien och sen köper jag en ny i Argentina och så blir den stulen i Chile, SUCK!
Hola! Now I'm in Santiago - the capital of Chile! I didn't have any high expectations on this city since I heard from so many travelers that there are not much to see here, but I really like it! Natti and I have already visited loads of museums, eaten amazing sushi, been to a house party, lived in two different hostels and walked several miles every day! Unfortunately there wont be any new pictures yet since my camera got stolen a few days ago - it happened a night here on a bus when I had it in my pocket! So shitty, first my camera breaks in Brazil, then I buy a new one in Argentina and it gets stolen in Chile, ugh!
En mysig dag ute i naturen i Pucón! // A nice day out in the nature in Pucón! 
Hola! Now I'm in Santiago - the capital of Chile! I didn't have any high expectations on this city since I heard from so many travelers that there are not much to see here, but I really like it! Natti and I have already visited loads of museums, eaten amazing sushi, been to a house party, lived in two different hostels and walked several miles every day! Unfortunately there wont be any new pictures yet since my camera got stolen a few days ago - it happened a night here on a bus when I had it in my pocket! So shitty, first my camera breaks in Brazil, then I buy a new one in Argentina and it gets stolen in Chile, ugh!