Bye bye Iquitos - Hello Brazil!
Hej från en väldigt svettig Tillan här i Amazonas! Det är så himla varmt och fuktigt här, det spelar ingen roll om jag duschar för fem minuter senare är jag genomsvettig igen! Hur som helst, i förrgång var Kate och jag ute för första gången sen Montañita! Vi gick ut tillsammans med Jaco (en kille från Holland som var på samma båt som mig och Kate på vägen hit till Iquitos) och en tjej från vårt hostel som heter Saskia - vi drog ut och dansade på några klubbar och hade sjukt kul! Dagen efter hade vi tänkt åka tillbaka till Padre Cocha för att se mer av ön än fjärilsfarmen men det var alldeles för varmt så vi bestämde oss för att åka till en strand istället - enligt Lonely Planet fanns det bara en och den låg i ett stort zoo som vi behövde gå igenom för att komma till stranden! Så vi åkte dit och när vi äntligen kom fram så la vi oss och solade men både jag och Jaco var alldeles för varma så vi tänkte ta oss ett dopp för att svalka oss.. Men när vi kom fram till vattnet såg vi att det var bajsbrunt (bokstavligt talat, när jag stoppade ner handen i vattnet så kunde man inte se den) och sjukt varmt så det kändes mer som att lägga sig i en toalett haha.. Nu förstår ni kanske hur varmt det är här när det är mer än 30 grader i vattnet!
Greetings from a very sweaty Tillan here in the Amazon! It is so insanely hot and humid here that it doesn't even matter if I shower because five minutes later I'm a sweaty mess again! Anyway, last night me and Kate went out partying for the first time since Montañita! We went out together with two people from our hostel called Jaco (a guy from Holland who was on the same boat as us on our way to Iquitos) and Saskia (a girl from Australia) - we all went out dancing on a few clubs and had such a great time! The day after we had plans to go back to Padre Cocha to visit more of the island apart from the butterfly farm but it was just way too hot, so we decided to go to a beach instead! According to Lonely Planet there was only one beach here in the city and it was located inside a zoo that we had to pass through to get to the beach! So we went there and when we finally arrived Kate lied down to relax in the grass while me and Jaco needed to cool off in the water.. But when we came down to the water we saw that the water was brown as poo (literally, when I put my hand down in the water you couldn't see it anymore)and insanely warm so it felt more like stepping into a huge toilet haha.. Now you may understand better how insaaaanely hot it is here when the water is over 30 degrees!
Greetings from a very sweaty Tillan here in the Amazon! It is so insanely hot and humid here that it doesn't even matter if I shower because five minutes later I'm a sweaty mess again! Anyway, last night me and Kate went out partying for the first time since Montañita! We went out together with two people from our hostel called Jaco (a guy from Holland who was on the same boat as us on our way to Iquitos) and Saskia (a girl from Australia) - we all went out dancing on a few clubs and had such a great time! The day after we had plans to go back to Padre Cocha to visit more of the island apart from the butterfly farm but it was just way too hot, so we decided to go to a beach instead! According to Lonely Planet there was only one beach here in the city and it was located inside a zoo that we had to pass through to get to the beach! So we went there and when we finally arrived Kate lied down to relax in the grass while me and Jaco needed to cool off in the water.. But when we came down to the water we saw that the water was brown as poo (literally, when I put my hand down in the water you couldn't see it anymore)and insanely warm so it felt more like stepping into a huge toilet haha.. Now you may understand better how insaaaanely hot it is here when the water is over 30 degrees!
Stranden vi besökte igår med Jaco // The beach we visited yesterday with Jaco!

Redo för att bo på en båt de närmsta sju dagarna // Ready to live on a boat for the next seven days!

Nu åker vi vidare mot Brasilien, jag vet inte när jag kommer kunna uppdatera nästa gång då vi kommer vara på en båt i över en vecka (eller fast på gränsen mellan Brasilien, Peru och Colombia om vi missar vår nästa båt). Finner jag inget wifi under den tiden så önskar jag er redan nu en fantastisk jul och ett gott nytt år! ♥
Now we're leaving for Brazil, I don't know when I'll be able to update again because we'll be on a boat for over a week (or stuck at the border between Brazil, Colombia and Peru if we miss our second boat). If I don't find a wifi during this time I already now wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year! ♥
Now we're leaving for Brazil, I don't know when I'll be able to update again because we'll be on a boat for over a week (or stuck at the border between Brazil, Colombia and Peru if we miss our second boat). If I don't find a wifi during this time I already now wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year! ♥