Bye Bye St Petersburg

Hotel breakfast
För er som är intresserade av den här delen av historia rekommenderar jag verkligen att besöka St Petersburg över en weekend, det har varit otroligt intressant! Det har ibland känts som att hoppa tillbaka ett par hundra år i tiden, speciellt i vinterpalatset! Har ni frågor om staden eller vår resa så är det bara att skriva till mig!
I recommend a weekend in St Petersburg to all of you who are interested in this part of history, these few days has been really interesting! Sometimes it felt like we had jumped a couple of hundred years back in time, especially when we visited the Winter palace! If you have any questions about the city or our weekend you can write me a comment and I'll get back to you!
I recommend a weekend in St Petersburg to all of you who are interested in this part of history, these few days has been really interesting! Sometimes it felt like we had jumped a couple of hundred years back in time, especially when we visited the Winter palace! If you have any questions about the city or our weekend you can write me a comment and I'll get back to you!