Hey! Nu befinner vi oss i staden Florianópolis som är vårt sista stopp i Brasilien, det känns så himla konstigt! Jag som inte ens hade tänkt åka till Brasilien alls har nu spenderat nästan tre månader i det här enorma landet - och GUD vad glad jag är att jag gjorde detta men det ska även bli skönt att åka vidare och se annat än stränder! hur som helst, vi bor nu på ett riktigt backpackerhostel som då kostar lite mer men tänkte att vi måste testa på det någon gång i Brasilien - så vi valde ett hostel som heter Backpacker Share House i Barra da Logoa! Vi har hängt på stranden typ varje dag och försökt att surfa, eller Kate har försökt medan jag har gett henne sällskap i vattnet och knuffat på brädan för att försöka ge henne fart, haha! På kvällarna här har det varit mycket party, det är middagar på kvällarna och billigare drinkar i hostelets bar innan vi alla går ut - vanligt backpackerhostel med andra ord vilket kan vara kul men inte riktigt min grej! Jag känner typ att jag kan festa med ett gäng backpackers när och var jag vill så jag prioriterar gärna inte det framför äventyr, så jag känner mig väldigt redo för att åka vidare imorgon men innan dess blir det storfest ikväll för att både fira att det är vår sista kväll i Brasilien OCH att det är Kates födelsedag!!
Hellu! Now we're in our final destination in Brazil - Florianópolis, it feels so strange that our Brazil journey is almost over.. Me who didn't even plan to go to Brazil in the first place have now spent my last three months in this massive country, and I am soo happy that I did this but it also feels really good to be moving on and to see mountains again instead of just beaches! Anyway, now we're living in a typical backpacker hostel which is a bit more expensive than what we usually pay but we thought we should stay at at least one backpacker hostel in Brazil - so we chose the Backpacker Share house in Barra da Logoa! We've been hanging out on the beach almost every day and tried our surfing skills, or actually Kate is the one who has tried while I've given her company in the water and tried to push her board to give her speed, haha! At nights there has been a lot of parties here with dinner first and then cheaper drinks in the hostel bar before people go to the clubs - regular backpacker hostel in other words which can be fun but is not really my thing! I feel that I can party with backpackers whenever wherever so I don't really prefer it while I travel in all these amazing countries, so now I really feel ready to move on tomorrow to new adventures! Though before that we will definitely party tonight -because not only is it our final night in Brazil but it's also Kate's birthday!!
Lite blandade bilder från de senaste dagarna här! // Some mixed pictures from our latest days here!

Hellu! Now we're in our final destination in Brazil - Florianópolis, it feels so strange that our Brazil journey is almost over.. Me who didn't even plan to go to Brazil in the first place have now spent my last three months in this massive country, and I am soo happy that I did this but it also feels really good to be moving on and to see mountains again instead of just beaches! Anyway, now we're living in a typical backpacker hostel which is a bit more expensive than what we usually pay but we thought we should stay at at least one backpacker hostel in Brazil - so we chose the Backpacker Share house in Barra da Logoa! We've been hanging out on the beach almost every day and tried our surfing skills, or actually Kate is the one who has tried while I've given her company in the water and tried to push her board to give her speed, haha! At nights there has been a lot of parties here with dinner first and then cheaper drinks in the hostel bar before people go to the clubs - regular backpacker hostel in other words which can be fun but is not really my thing! I feel that I can party with backpackers whenever wherever so I don't really prefer it while I travel in all these amazing countries, so now I really feel ready to move on tomorrow to new adventures! Though before that we will definitely party tonight -because not only is it our final night in Brazil but it's also Kate's birthday!!
Lite blandade bilder från de senaste dagarna här! // Some mixed pictures from our latest days here!

Nästa gång vi hörs är vi i Argentina - wah!! // Next time I write we will be in Argentina, wah!!