Aizawl, Mizoram
Hejj! Efter nästan 18 timmars sömn kom vi tillbaka i form igen, den där 24 timmarsresan från Manipur tog det verkligen ur oss! Nu är vi hur som helst äntligen framme i Mizoram, nordöstra Indiens sydligaste stat som gränsar till Myanmar (Burma) och runt 90 % av befolkningen här är kristna vilket antagligen är anledningen till att huvudstaden (Aizawl) påminner mycket om en latinamerikansk stad. Staden är så otroligt vacker med alla olika färger på husen och smågatorna i varje hörn, det fick mig faktiskt att tänka på Argentina, Brasilien och Kuba! Vi tog en promenad på 15 kilometer idag runt bland de färgglada små husen och såg på utsikten, det är helt otroligt hur annorlunda varje stat är även om de ligger så nära inpå varann.
Hey! After almost 18 hours of sleep we're finally back on track again, that 24 hour journey from Manipur really took it out of us! Anyway, now we're finally in Mizoram, the most south state in the Northeast India which lies in line with Myanmar (Burma) and about 90 % of all the people here are Christian which is probably the reason to why the capital (Aizawl) reminds me of a Latin American city. The city is incredibly beautiful with all the small houses in different colours and all the small streets in every corner, it actually reminded me of Argentina, Brazil and Cuba! We took a 15 kilometer walk today around the colourful houses up in the hills to watch he view, it is insane how different these states look even though they lie right next to each other!
Hey! After almost 18 hours of sleep we're finally back on track again, that 24 hour journey from Manipur really took it out of us! Anyway, now we're finally in Mizoram, the most south state in the Northeast India which lies in line with Myanmar (Burma) and about 90 % of all the people here are Christian which is probably the reason to why the capital (Aizawl) reminds me of a Latin American city. The city is incredibly beautiful with all the small houses in different colours and all the small streets in every corner, it actually reminded me of Argentina, Brazil and Cuba! We took a 15 kilometer walk today around the colourful houses up in the hills to watch he view, it is insane how different these states look even though they lie right next to each other!