Treking time!
Nu sticker vi iväg! Vi är sju stycken i gruppen, sedan följer Ayub med för första natten, vår guide Rafiq (min kära vän Rajs frus bror) och fyra hästar som kommer bära tält, filtar och mat! Vi är alla så himla taggade på att komma upp i bergen igen, vi är alla galna i trekking så tror det här kommer bli en bra grupp! Jag har även bestämt mig för att åka till Ladakh efter treket (något jag har velat fram och tillbaka om ett tag nu), och berättade det för Ayub idag som sa att han kommer binda fast mig om jag försöker åka, haha! Hela dagen igår hjälpte jag Ayub och hans familj att förbereda inför treket och insåg under tiden hur mycket jag kommer sakna dem. Hans fru Shazia och deras son Sahil kom över igår också så jag lekte med Sahil hela eftermiddagen, han är bara fyra år men så himla sprallig och älskar att bli kittlad! Shazia pratar knappt någon engelska men vi kommunicerar via de få hindi- och engelska ord vi kan och via gester under tiden vi dricker chai och äter bröd på golvet, hon är en sådan människa där man känner av hennes energier hur bra hon är, precis som Ayubs mamma!
Now we're off! We are seven people in our group, apart from us Ayub will join us for the first night, then our guide Rafiq (my dear friend Rajs' wife's brother) and four horses who will be carrying the tents, food and equipment! We are all so excited about this trek since we all love the mountains, I think we are a really good trekking group! By the way, I've decided to head out to Ladakh after the trek (something I've been weighing back and forth over for a while now), but when I told Ayub about it he told me he will tie me to a tree if I try to leave, haha! Yesterday I was helping Ayub and Rafiq to prepare for the trek and realized how much I will miss living here! Ayub's wife Shazia and their son Sahil came over yesterday as well, so I played with Sahil all afternoon! He is only four years old and very shy, but loves to play and to be tickled! Shazia barely speaks any English but we communicate through the few Hindi- and English words we know and through gestures while we drink chai and eat bread on the floor. She is the kind of human being that you know through her energies that she is a good person, just like Ayub's mother!
Lite bilder från igår //Some pictures from yesterday! 

Now we're off! We are seven people in our group, apart from us Ayub will join us for the first night, then our guide Rafiq (my dear friend Rajs' wife's brother) and four horses who will be carrying the tents, food and equipment! We are all so excited about this trek since we all love the mountains, I think we are a really good trekking group! By the way, I've decided to head out to Ladakh after the trek (something I've been weighing back and forth over for a while now), but when I told Ayub about it he told me he will tie me to a tree if I try to leave, haha! Yesterday I was helping Ayub and Rafiq to prepare for the trek and realized how much I will miss living here! Ayub's wife Shazia and their son Sahil came over yesterday as well, so I played with Sahil all afternoon! He is only four years old and very shy, but loves to play and to be tickled! Shazia barely speaks any English but we communicate through the few Hindi- and English words we know and through gestures while we drink chai and eat bread on the floor. She is the kind of human being that you know through her energies that she is a good person, just like Ayub's mother!