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Godmorgon! Jag gick och la mig klockan åtta igår kväll och somnade inom fem minuter, elva timmar senare vaknar jag upp med en förkylning haha :) Den sista veckan i Indien var så himla hektisk att jag inte förväntade mig något annat, så nu blir det några dagars vila! Det känns definitivt konstigt att vara tillbaka hemma igen, när jag vaknade imorse så tog det mig några sekunder att inse att jag inte var i Indien längre! Men det känns bra ändå att vara tillbaka ett tag, jag har verkligen saknat min familj och mina vänner och det ska bli skönt att bara få vila i en månad nu! Jag har sedan planer på att flytta till Rumänien i höst och börja jobba på ett volontärsprojekt angående romafolket, men jag skriver mer om det om några veckor när allt är mer spikat! Jättekul att ni har följt mig under min resa i Indien och jag hoppas ni kommer tillbaka i Rumänien igen! Ta hand om er ♥
Good morning! I went to bed at eight PM yesterday and fell asleep within five minutes, then I woke up after eleven hours with a cold haha :) I didn't really expect anything else after the crazy last week I had in India, so now I'll just stay home and rest for a while! I definitely feels strange to be back home again, when I woke up this morning it took me a few seconds to realize that I was not in India anymore! But it feels good to be back after all, I've really missed my family and friends and I think I need to just rest for a month! After that I have plans on moving to Romania in the fall and start working on a volunteer project to help the roma people, will write more about that in a few weeks when things are more certain! Thank you all for following me through my India journey and I hope you will come back for Romania too! Take care ♥
Två bilder från flygplatsen som mamma tog :) // Two photos from the airport yesterday that my mother took :)
Good morning! I went to bed at eight PM yesterday and fell asleep within five minutes, then I woke up after eleven hours with a cold haha :) I didn't really expect anything else after the crazy last week I had in India, so now I'll just stay home and rest for a while! I definitely feels strange to be back home again, when I woke up this morning it took me a few seconds to realize that I was not in India anymore! But it feels good to be back after all, I've really missed my family and friends and I think I need to just rest for a month! After that I have plans on moving to Romania in the fall and start working on a volunteer project to help the roma people, will write more about that in a few weeks when things are more certain! Thank you all for following me through my India journey and I hope you will come back for Romania too! Take care ♥
Två bilder från flygplatsen som mamma tog :) // Two photos from the airport yesterday that my mother took :)