Oh traveling road, do not forget about me.
Njae, nu är december här och än är jag kvar i Sverige. Det har hänt mer inom släkt och familjen under hösten vilket fick mig att bestämma mig för att vara kvar här ett tag till och hjälpa! Jag har dock sysselsatt mig för fullt under hösten - jag har volontärarbetat för ABF där vi varit som pionjärer för ett nytt projekt, nämligen att lära ut svenska till asylsökande. Hittills har vi endast SFI (svenska för invandrare) som erbjuds till de som fått asyl i Sverige, men ibland kan väntan på asyl dröja och då finns vi där för att försöka hjälpa till att integrera flera. Det har varit otroligt roligt och utmanande att befinna mig på ett asylboende varje måndagskväll och mer eller mindre improvisera fram svensklektioner, och tillsammans lyckades vi alla volontärer få till en till termin - så vi fortsätter i vår! Utöver detta har jag volontärarbetat på två olika flyktingboenden där de nyanlända flyktingarna först kommit till innan de blivit utplacerade på asylboenden. Även det är otroligt givande, det är som att jag får min del av olika kulturer (som jag vanligtvis får när jag reser) på alla dessa boenden. Sedan är det även väldigt tungt från tid till tid för alla dessa stackars människor som flytt långa vägar i hopp om en ny start på livet, så jag anser att det är viktigt att hjälpa de så mycket man bara kan med att känna sig välkomna! Nu har jag även sökt jobb på ett tredje flyktingboende (har endast jobbat ideellt på de andra) så jag kan engagera mig helhjärtat i detta istället för matbutiken som tidigare varit min enda inkomst. För att få in resandet i detta - ni anar inte vilken resebild jag har i huvudet om hur jag ska resa genom mellanöstern i framtiden efter att få höra så mycket om vackra platser och alla dessa underbara trevliga människor, så himla taggad!
Ahwell, now December is here and I still haven't left Sweden yet. Unfortunately there are a lot going on now with my family and relatives so I decided to not leave yet, feel like I want to stay a while longer and be here for everybody. I've been trying out a lot of new things this fall here in Stockholm anyway - for one thing I started volunteering for a new Swedish project which is to have Swedish lessons for people seeking asylum. Right now there are only SFI (Swedish for immigrants) available for those who already got their asylum, so we're trying to help integrating those who are waiting for their asylum since that can take years. It's been incredibely giving and challenging to be there every Monday evening and make a lesson based on pretty much improvisation, and together we have now succeeded to get another season of this, so we're continuing in the spring time! Apart from that I have also been volunteering at two different refugees homes which is where the refugees first arrive to before they get transferred to different asylum homes. I realyl enjoy being there to help bringing them food, making children smile and generally trying to make these poor people feeling welcome to their new country. Now I have also applied for a job at another refugees home (all the work I've been doing so far has been volunteer) so I can try to help these people on full time. Up until now I've been working extra at a supermarket to get some kind of income every month. Anyway, to get traveling in to all of this - you have no idea how excited I am to go travel in the middle east in the future after learning arabic words and hearing all the refugees talk about beautiful places and amazing food, I can't wait to go!

Ahwell, now December is here and I still haven't left Sweden yet. Unfortunately there are a lot going on now with my family and relatives so I decided to not leave yet, feel like I want to stay a while longer and be here for everybody. I've been trying out a lot of new things this fall here in Stockholm anyway - for one thing I started volunteering for a new Swedish project which is to have Swedish lessons for people seeking asylum. Right now there are only SFI (Swedish for immigrants) available for those who already got their asylum, so we're trying to help integrating those who are waiting for their asylum since that can take years. It's been incredibely giving and challenging to be there every Monday evening and make a lesson based on pretty much improvisation, and together we have now succeeded to get another season of this, so we're continuing in the spring time! Apart from that I have also been volunteering at two different refugees homes which is where the refugees first arrive to before they get transferred to different asylum homes. I realyl enjoy being there to help bringing them food, making children smile and generally trying to make these poor people feeling welcome to their new country. Now I have also applied for a job at another refugees home (all the work I've been doing so far has been volunteer) so I can try to help these people on full time. Up until now I've been working extra at a supermarket to get some kind of income every month. Anyway, to get traveling in to all of this - you have no idea how excited I am to go travel in the middle east in the future after learning arabic words and hearing all the refugees talk about beautiful places and amazing food, I can't wait to go!