Message from Sweden :)
Hej! Jag ser att många av er fortfarande kikar in här, känns jättekul och hoppas ni finner något intressant i arkiven att läsa om för jag kommer inte blogga igen förrän nästa resa startar! Vet att många av er blev väldigt överraskade när jag så plötsligt valde att vända om hem ett tag, men som jag sa tidigare så kändes det bara dumt att resa runt genom hela regnsäsongen när jag vet hur påfrestande den kan vara. Sedan kände jag även att den typiska backpacker-scenen började bli lite uttjatad för mig, alltså när man reser själv från hostel till hostel och möter nya människor som man antagligen kommer säga hejdå till inom tre dagar. Jag träffade faktiskt en man som rest i typ 10 år som sa något som förklarar typ precis vad jag känner: 'under de första åren av mina resor så var människor det viktiga, att träffa andra backpackers som förstod mig och min kärlek till att resa. Men nu på senare åren så är det själva länderna, landskapen, kulturen och det orörda som lockar mig.' Så jag vet inte hur nästa resa kommer se ut eller när den kommer att börja, jag vet dock att jag verkligen vill få igång min spanska mer ordentligt och att jag (sedan Kuba) är väldigt sugen på att göra ett stort äventyr mellan de karibiska öarna! I samma veva vill jag även få in de centralamerikanska länderna jag länge velat besöka - mer Mexiko, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama osv. Sedan har jag ett stort Asien-äventyr som jag velat göra länge - mer Indien, Nepal, Burma, delar av Indonesien, Mongoliet, Papua New Guinea och mycket mer! :) Så, nu vet ni lite mer vad som händer i mitt huvud! Just nu måste jag dock säga att det är så härligt att vara hemma i Sverige - jag älskar svenska sommaren :)
Hey! I can see that a lot of you guys still check in here, feels really fun to see that and I hope you find something to read about in the archives because I wont blog again until the next adventure begins! I know that a lot of you were surprised when I decided to take a detour home for a while, but as I said earlier I didn't want to travel through the rain season when I know how intense it can be. Then I also felt that the typical backpacker scene just felt so 'been there done that' for me, you know when you travel from hostel to hostel and meet new people that you probably will say goodbye to within three days. I actually met a man who has traveled for about 10 years and said something that I felt really explained how I feel: 'during the first years of my travels it was people that was my interest, to meet other backpackers who understood me and my love for traveling. But after a few years I felt done with that and instead the countries, landscapes, culture and the untouched became my main focuse.' So I don't know how my next trip will look like and when it will start, though I do know that I want to get my Spanish fluent and I am so excited (since Cuba) to do a massive adventure between the caribbean islands. In that big trip I also want to visit some of the Central American countries like Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, more Mexico and so on. Then I also have a big Asia trip that I've wanted to do for ages - more India, Nepal, Burma, parts of Indonesia, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea and much more! So, now you know a bit more whats happening in my head... Though I have to say that I love being home now - I just love the Swedish summer :)
Hey! I can see that a lot of you guys still check in here, feels really fun to see that and I hope you find something to read about in the archives because I wont blog again until the next adventure begins! I know that a lot of you were surprised when I decided to take a detour home for a while, but as I said earlier I didn't want to travel through the rain season when I know how intense it can be. Then I also felt that the typical backpacker scene just felt so 'been there done that' for me, you know when you travel from hostel to hostel and meet new people that you probably will say goodbye to within three days. I actually met a man who has traveled for about 10 years and said something that I felt really explained how I feel: 'during the first years of my travels it was people that was my interest, to meet other backpackers who understood me and my love for traveling. But after a few years I felt done with that and instead the countries, landscapes, culture and the untouched became my main focuse.' So I don't know how my next trip will look like and when it will start, though I do know that I want to get my Spanish fluent and I am so excited (since Cuba) to do a massive adventure between the caribbean islands. In that big trip I also want to visit some of the Central American countries like Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, more Mexico and so on. Then I also have a big Asia trip that I've wanted to do for ages - more India, Nepal, Burma, parts of Indonesia, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea and much more! So, now you know a bit more whats happening in my head... Though I have to say that I love being home now - I just love the Swedish summer :)
Three great adventures - Villarica Vulcano in Chile // Amazing Cuba // My beloved India ♥

Ta hand om er, jag skriver igen så fort nästa äventyr börjar ♥ // Take care guys, I'll be back again when my next adventure begins ♥