Time for the W trek
Chile, jag är i Chile! Så jäkla coolt! Kate och jag tog en buss från Argentina över till Chile och så fort vi kom över gränsen såg vi enorma gröna fält och skogar med vilda får, lamor och strutsar som sprang runt! Anledningen till att vi åkte över till Chile direkt efter Ushuaia var för det kända W-trekket som vi vill göra. The W trekk i nationalparken Torres del Paine kommer vara mitt livs första flerdagars-trek - det ska ta mellan 4-5 dagar och vara helt fantastiskt! Vi anlände hit till Puerto Natales (den lille staden som ligger närmast nationalparken) innan vi började hyra allt vi behöver som tält, sovsäckar, gaskök, regnkläder... det finns hundratals affärer här som hyr ut utrustning! Så, om en halvtimme sticker vi iväg och kommer spendera våra närmsta fyra nätter i ett tält, laga mat över ett gaskök och vandra runt åtta mil.. Det här är alltså inget trek man gör med en grupp och en guide, det kommer vara Kate och jag ute i vildmarken! ÖNSKA OSS LYCKA TILL!
Chile, I am in Chile! It's so cool! Kate and I took a bus from Argentina over to Chile and as soon as we crossed the border we saw these massive green fields where wild cheeps, lamas and ostriches ran around! The reason why we went to Chile straight after Ushuaia was because we want to do the famous W trek! The W trek is located in the national park Torres del Paine which will be my first multi-day trek! The trek should take about 4-5 days and is suppose to be amazing! We arrived here to Puerto Natales (the small town that lies closest to the national park) last night and started renting equipment almost right away from one of all the places here that rent out stuff you'll need - all from tent to sleeping bags, shoes and clothes! So, in about half an hour we're leaving and will spend the next four nights in a tent, cooking food over a gas stove and walk about 50 miles (80 km).. And to be clear, this is not a rewk we will do with a group and a guide, it will be Kate and me out in the wild! WISH US LUCK!
Chile, I am in Chile! It's so cool! Kate and I took a bus from Argentina over to Chile and as soon as we crossed the border we saw these massive green fields where wild cheeps, lamas and ostriches ran around! The reason why we went to Chile straight after Ushuaia was because we want to do the famous W trek! The W trek is located in the national park Torres del Paine which will be my first multi-day trek! The trek should take about 4-5 days and is suppose to be amazing! We arrived here to Puerto Natales (the small town that lies closest to the national park) last night and started renting equipment almost right away from one of all the places here that rent out stuff you'll need - all from tent to sleeping bags, shoes and clothes! So, in about half an hour we're leaving and will spend the next four nights in a tent, cooking food over a gas stove and walk about 50 miles (80 km).. And to be clear, this is not a rewk we will do with a group and a guide, it will be Kate and me out in the wild! WISH US LUCK!