Calm Tuesday night, no?
Jag var så uttråkad igår kväll efter att ha spenderat en hel dag och eftermiddag själv med mina böcker och ville verkligen gå ut, men Gordon och Marianna (paret som bor på samma hostel som jag) ville inte och jag hade inte sett Kate på gatan den dagen så henne kunde jag inte fråga! Jag var i alla fall bestämd på att göra något så utan planer för kvällen tog jag en dusch och sminkade mig på mitt rum med hög musik på och hoppades att något skulle dyka upp! Som en räddare i nöden kom Franklyn (som jobbar på hostelet, det var han som hittade mig vid busstationen) och knackar på min dörr och fråga om jag ville göra honom sällskap på nedervåningen och dricka drinkar i köket med honom, Franklyn har nämligen jobbat som bartender i 15 år innan han flyttade ut hit och hade massa frysta frukter och vodka som han mixade med is! Jag mer eller mindre hoppsade ner efter honom och vi satt där nere och pratade och drack i flera timmar - känner redan att jag funnit en storebror här nere! Till slut gick vi ut till coctail alley och mötte några vänner till honom - sjukt rolig kväll men HUVUDVÄRK idag!
I was so bored last night after spending a whole day and afternoon alone with my books and really wanted to go out, though Gordon and Marianna (the couple who stays in the same hostel as me) didn't feel like going out and I hadn't seen Kate all day on the street so I couldn't ask her! I was still determined to do something so without any plans for the night I took a shower and put make up on while listening to music, hoping that something would come up! And then, as the rescuer he is, Franklyn knocked on my door (he who works in the hostel and who found me at the bus station when I arrived here) asked me if I wanted to join him downstairs in the kitchen drinking coctails! He worked as a bartender for 15 years before he moved here and had loads of frozen fruits and vodka downstairs that he mixed with ice! I more or less skipped after him and we hung out downstairs for hours, just talked and drank - I already felt like I found a big brother here! After a while we walked out to coctail alley and met some of his friends - such a great night but HEADACHE today!
I was so bored last night after spending a whole day and afternoon alone with my books and really wanted to go out, though Gordon and Marianna (the couple who stays in the same hostel as me) didn't feel like going out and I hadn't seen Kate all day on the street so I couldn't ask her! I was still determined to do something so without any plans for the night I took a shower and put make up on while listening to music, hoping that something would come up! And then, as the rescuer he is, Franklyn knocked on my door (he who works in the hostel and who found me at the bus station when I arrived here) asked me if I wanted to join him downstairs in the kitchen drinking coctails! He worked as a bartender for 15 years before he moved here and had loads of frozen fruits and vodka downstairs that he mixed with ice! I more or less skipped after him and we hung out downstairs for hours, just talked and drank - I already felt like I found a big brother here! After a while we walked out to coctail alley and met some of his friends - such a great night but HEADACHE today!

Franklyn :)

Världens sötaste (och tjockaste) hund - Gordo! Det är ägaren över hostelets hund så man kan gosa med han när man vill :)
The World's cutest (and fatest) dog - Gordo! It's the hostel owner's dog so I can cuddle with Gordo whenever I want :)

Coctail alley i Montanita är helt fantastiskt, en hel gata full med små vagnar där försäljare säljer coctails med färsk frukt som de fixar framför en! Louise och jag spenderade en hel del kvällar här senast också!
Coctail alley in Montanita is so great, a whole street filled with carts where sellers sell coctails with fresh fruit that they fix in front of you! Louise and I spent a lot of nights here last time I was here too!
Coctail alley in Montanita is so great, a whole street filled with carts where sellers sell coctails with fresh fruit that they fix in front of you! Louise and I spent a lot of nights here last time I was here too!